And use it to build better products.

The most sustainable flooring we’ve ever made

Our goal is to make products with the lowest carbon footprint possible. Products that go beyond neutral to help restore the health of the planet.

We’ve innovated on ways to work with recycled content and bio-based materials – which has led us to make carpet tiles that store carbon, preventing its release into the atmosphere.

This innovation, coupled with our commitment to lower our carbon footprint across all areas of our business, has driven us to produce our first
carbon negative flooring products.

Backings that give back

Guided by materials science, we’ve added new thinking and innovative new materials to make backings with a much lower carbon footprint – away from the status quo and toward carbon negative.

First, we added new bio-based materials, and more recycled content to our backings. Then, we measured how these materials influence the carbon footprint. These new materials, measured on a stand-alone basis, are net carbon negative – reducing our carbon footprint – and resulting in carbon negative backings.
Tufted carpet layers

The carbon negative carpet tile.

Our work doesn’t end with our backings. The carbon negative materials in the CQuest™BioX backing, in combination with specialty yarns and tufting processes, results in a carbon negative carpet tile. The finished product brings together durability, industry-leading design, and a negative carbon footprint that ultimately benefits the planet.

Learning to love carbon

When we stop seeing carbon as the enemy and start using it as a resource, great things can happen. Taking our cue from nature, we can learn to work with carbon, using it as a building block to engineer better products.

Watch the Love Carbon film to learn how we worked with carbon to develop our CQuest™ backings.

The carbon opportunity

There is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As human activity continues to release more and more of it, the natural world is struggling to keep up.

At Interface, we believe we have a duty to help solve this problem, so we’ve invested in product innovation and improved manufacturing processes to lower the carbon footprint of our products at every stage of their life cycle.

Our path to negative

Our path to carbon negative products is part of bringing Climate Take Back™ to life. Over the years, we’ve been committed to creating products with the lowest carbon footprints possible, helping us to achieve our mission and restore the health of the planet.

Love Carbon.
Love Embodied Beauty.

When you choose Interface products, you’re choosing to help to build a healthier planet by lowering the carbon footprint of your space.

Our Embodied Beauty™ carpet collection launched in 2021 and is our first to offer carbon negative products for your space. Inspired by Japanese aesthetics to be in harmony with nature, it will offer a range of textures, patterns, and finishes that honor the integrity of materials, embracing the perfect imperfections of the world.

Stay informed about our carbon negative products

Our new carbon negative tile is the latest step powering us to a better world.

To receive updates about our sustainability journey and when our new carbon negative products will be available, sign up below.
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