Our Sustainability Journey

No negative impact?
Mission possible.

In 1994, inspired by our customers, we set out to eliminate our negative impact on the environment. Today, we’re proud to have delivered on our Mission Zero® commitment. Along the way, we’ve learned a thing or two about business models, solving material challenges and shooting for the moon. Learn about these lessons and more in our 25th Anniversary Sustainability Report.

Our Journey

We've been on a purpose-driven journey to sustainability since 1994. A lot has changed in the world since then. Read more about our history, how we revolutionised carpet tile manufacture and achieved Mission Zero success.

Creating a Ripple Effect

To have a real impact on the world, you need to not only change yourself, but inspire others to act as well. That’s how a ripple effect starts. As we pursued Mission Zero, we saw our story influence the actions of our customers, employees and the broader business community. Read more about our far-reaching impact and how we helped inspire a movement of change.

Climate Take Back

We can’t stop at reducing our impact on the environment. After all, global warming is the biggest challenge facing humanity. Now that we’ve achieved our Mission Zero commitment, we’re raising the bar to set an even bolder goal: Climate Take Back. We believe that together we can make a difference to reverse global warming. See how our mission paves the way to a climate fit for life.